Far Out There Looks At Christmas Lights – page 19
Hey, wait a minute! Didn’t Skye just HAVE a page all to herself? Well, yeah, but it just felt weird to draw Reverend Bonfire without her around too. In retrospect, it probably would have made everything simpler to have that previous page be Vashti sitting around playing guitar instead. Oh well. This is what happens when I can’t get everything drawn ahead of time.
Trigger’s just there because he heard Skye would be there. Layla’s five blocks away, desperately looking for him, as he found out and ran off while she was playing with Alphonse and saying hi to Tabitha.
…and Layla probably ran off while still holding Alphonse, to which Tabitha was just “Okay, bye! Have fun!”
how likely is tabitha to have tracking tech on her little angels? how likely is she to have the same tech on trigger to help layla, but forgot to say anything and thinking layla would ask her for the tracking if she really was worried?
Really she only needs a generic off-the-shelf zombie detector that you can probably buy at any local MiffyMart to locate the kids – it’s not like there’s a lot of other zombies around. Trigger trackers would probably a bit more difficult. A big part of his training was in avoiding detection … there were probably lessons in ‘how to make sure nobody is tracking you’. I have no idea how one might do that, but then I’m not a sabotage expert either.
the greatest hacking is social hacking. “hey trigger can you keep this tracker in your hair so Layla can find you if something happens?” he would do it
also means he might get in trouble for also never telling layla that she was supposed to be able to track him
that sounds right. really, you wouldn’t even have to give him the reason, just ‘hey, Trigger, could you hold on to this tracker for me’ trigger’s always willing to help.
Tabitha probably wouldn’t need any dedicated tracker for her kids, because she’d have such an impossible familiarity with their biology that shed be able to passively triangulate their exact location anywhere on the planet just with standard sensor equipment.
The real danger with Trigger trackers, on the other hand isn’t that he’d notice it, but that’s he’d start playing around with it and turn it into who knows what for his own amusement.
if they had actual villains i would not be surprised if this became a plot point. everyone trying to figure out how the villain was tracking them, scouring the ship for trackers, intimidating conversations with friends to see if someone leaked information, paranoia about a traitor, and only after several years someone mentions it around trigger, “oh yeah, probably this tracker BBEG asked me to hold onto. why didn’t you say that was a problem?”
Of course Layla didn’t tell Trigger about it to begin with “to protect him.”
Fortunately, the years and years of searching and suspicion and paranoia, our time, ends up only being about 45 minutes in-universe 😉