Far Out There Looks At Christmas Lights – page 11
I like how this building alredy looked kind of Christmas-y even before they stuck some decorations in the window. Granted, if your establishment is in a building that’s old enough, then you’re already halfway towards having “a nice old-fashioned Christmas” vibe as it is.
So, I was kind of tempted to leave Madam Ventricle & Kiki out of the festivities this year, seeing as how they’ve got a whole TWC series going on at the same time as these… but then I remembered that this would give me a chance to remind Future Me to NOT FORGET ABOUT DOING A NEW TWC VOTING INCENTIVE LATER THIS WEEK! Remember, I’m queuing this up all the way back on November 29th. I’ve got no idea how frazzled Future Me is going to be by the time you all read this.
Not enough robots, explosions or odds-and-ends for that to be somewhere a Mad Scientist shops, though maybe Christmas is the one exception (you don’t want the “Personally Made With Love” label on a gift received from a Mad Scientist). You two should go to the Craft Store, that’ll likely have everything you’ll want and more. Maybe even only the Fabric Section would be enough to find everything.
I don’t know about that – from what we’ve seen it seems that mad scientists often make creations at least in part out of otherwise ordinary everyday objects – “Hey, this toaster is just what I needed to complete my Planetary Death Ray!” Of course, this may be partially because so many ordinary everyday objects in the FOTverse use tech originally developed by Mad Scientists. There’s probably shops like this specifically targeted at selling ordinary objects to Mad Scientists at vastly inflated prices for use in experiments. Probably through targeted marketing and endorsement by Celebrity Mad Scientists. (The objects themselves are actually no different than what you’d find at your ordinary local MiffyMart)
Nah, the MiffyMart versions would have cleaner exteriors, often with some product placement (with Maureen Phaedo and her anti-consumerism consumer products being a popular choice) in order to sell more stock. While also having less likelihood of having a single glaring defect that causes it to crash in the first week of use, but being just poor-quality enough that it will inevitably fail shortly after the government-enforced mandatory return-policy is over instead of lasting between six to six-hundred years if it actually works correctly.
In other words, the Miffy Mart Tech looks good and lasts seven months and no longer, while the Mad Scientist Shop Tech looks bad and lasts either a week (with devastating consequences) or forever, with no in-between.
I imagined they were doing Christmas shopping the same way I do: venturing into malls/stores/shopping centers that they literally haven’t set foot in since LAST Christmas, resulting in a lot of “What they heck? I’ve never seen THIS place before!” moments.