Far Out There Christmas Whatever – page 1
I keep saying that, one year, I’m gonna do a Christmas something in a snow-less setting. You know, all grey and rainy and in the upper 50s. Something of all us Southerners who are just a TAD annoyed at how a bunch of New Englanders decided what Christmas was supposed to look like for the whole world… and then I sit down to actually draw a page, see all that blank white space, and the temptation to have less to color in is just too much.
But yeah! The Christmas cavalcade begins! We’re gonna have a new color comic every day from now until the 25th, and I’ve got some fairly nifty surprises in store along the way. So strap in!
…and if you’re already getting sick of Christmas stuff, don’t worry. Voting Incentives and Patreon comics will keep going in the usual manner. Oh, and you can always keep discussing Ichabod/Stilez theories to pass the time, too 😀
(Historical Notes: There was some talk in the comments about how odd it was it see everyone just sitting around Vengeance like it was totally normal, though seeing as how it’s Tabitha we see right there next to him, that could count as reeeaaally early foreshadowing. Actually, I just wasn’t paying attention as I crammed as many characters as I could into the car, which shows in a certain continuity error that won’t become obvious until much later…)
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