No, really. I wasn’t trolling you guys yesterday. We’re actually doing this.

So, I was TRYING to color Ichabod and Mariska’s suits to look like Chett Chetterfield and Lance Catamaran from Southpaw Regional Wrestling. I think Ichabod got Chett’s look down pretty well, but Mariska’s suit kind of loses a lot without the terrible tacky patterns on everything… but that stuff is REALLY hard to do in comic form. Which is doubly disappointing because the Southpaw reference was actually my second choice. What I REALLY wanted to do was give Ichabod a bunch of medals and a crown and put Mariska in a cowboy hat and have them be a reference to Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross. Alas, both their character designs rely WAY too much on distinctive headgear, so I just couldn’t make it work visually. It’s too bad, ‘cos I can totally see Ichabod rocking a gaudy king costume.

Also, part of me feels bad for not checking to see if there actually is an event sometime in December called “Christmas Clash” …but on the other hand, I know for for a fact that there were at least two totally unrelated shows called “Fright Night” this Halloween. If the actual, for real promotions can’t avoid stepping on each other’s names, I guess there’s not much point in ME worrying about it.

(Historical Notes: There’s some really unintended symbolism in Mariska complaining about working on Christmas in a comic series that would require me to pull so many all-nighters over the ACTUAL holiday season.)