(Historical Notes: Oh man, this one probably worked out even worse than the previous one.  The idea was to swipe a picture of the original Frankenstein’s lab movie set and use that as the background, but once again the positioning of Dr. Jarre and her robots just didn’t work with the perspective of any picture I could find.  They’re clearly crouching on the ground, but any picture showing enough floor to accommodate that wouldn’t have actually shown any of the movie props that make the whole idea work.  And that’s not even getting into the fact that ALL THE PICTURES OF THIS BLACK AND WHITE MOVIE SET WERE IN BLACK AND WHITE.  I tired to cheat both the perspective and the lack of color, but I didn’t give myself enough time to actually do either well.  I would have needed to cobble together several pictures of rooms and floors to make the angles realistic, and then spend several pictures worth of layers adding lights and color effects onto everything to create a convincing illusion that the room was decorated, by which point any screenshot of the original film would probably be virtually buried.  Again, this is why we experiment. …oh gosh, I only just now realized the irony of saying that on this particular page.)