I dunno if I’ve just seen WAAAAAY too many vintage Christmas album covers or what, but when you tell me to envision a “stereotypical holiday outfit”, my brain immediately goes to matching, brightly colored turtlenecks. So, that’s what you’re gonna be seeing a LOT of this month. Of course, it helps that matching turtlenecks are WAY easier to draw than elaborate tacky sweaters or olde schoole New England-y costumes.

Oh, and just for the record, any time a “musical act” appears in one of these pages, I’ll post a link down here to some song that roughly approximates what you’d be hearing if this comic actually had a soundtrack (Hey, we can’t all be Homestuck)

And for those of you already getting sick of the Christmasness: TOTALLY NON-HOLIDAY RELATED VOTING INCENTIVE! (which will hopefully be visible to everyone on time. TWC has been a little finicky lately)

(Historical Notes: I just unironically like turtlenecks, dang it!)