Because, at that age, the line between “cute show of affection” and “creepy stalker activity” is perilously thin. Actually, that’s true at pretty much any age.

Oh, and check it out! The Incredible Christmas Lava Lamp returns! I still say this would be a cool idea if you could figure out a way to do it without posing a fire hazard (those things get hot, you know)

(Historical Notes: This is another one of those pages that just feels weird to me for reasons that nobody else will ever care about.  Between that generic “rock” poster and the Led Zeppelin shirt, I can’t look at this without lamenting the missed opportunity to slip in some fictional bands.  Skye doesn’t seem like the sort to have any Vashti posters on her wall, but there’s gotta be SOMETHING space hippy related I could have made up for this one.)