What? You thought I was through with this bunch? You should know me better than that by now! Anyway, I’m not sure what Bridget is more embarrassed about, here: that Alphonse is being TOTALLY uncool and breaking character in front of everyone, or that Tabitha is clearly encouraging this behavior… again, IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. What could be more mortifying?

By the way, see those two folks sitting in front of Tabitha? They’re appearing in Far Out There on loan from a series of cartoons on my DeviantArt. Though why I didn’t get around to giving the main characters a cameo as well is beyond me. Maybe next year.

(Historical Notes: Well, you can’t say Becky & Gilb didn’t EVENTUALLY make an appearance in Far Out There, if only in Incentive form.  On their own, they did get one more strip on deviantArt, plus a follow up from Patreon, and once I finally get this and Conventional Wisdom rebuilt, they’re at the top of the list of comics I want to give new homes over on blitzthecomicguy.com)