Hey, remember who’s comic this is. We gotta have at least ONE quasi-religious Christmas page before the whole shebang’s over (though, if you count the slightly meta sight of Bridget and Alphonse as angels in a play, this would be the second)

You know, it was remarkably hard to resist the temptation to put a big star at the top of this page. After all, that’s how the shepherds found the place, right? WRONG. Despite what every manger scene will suggest, the shepherds only had a tip from some angels to work with. The whole “star as a GSP” thing was exclusively for the visit of the Magi, which was a totally separate event. But then, Ichabod’s already gone on at length about that.

(Historical Notes: Oh man, it looks like Skye caught whatever Layla was suffering from in the first page.  In fact, in her case it’s even worse, since Skye’s nose is a lot more prominent than Layla’s.  It looks like the poor girl got half her head chopped off.)