An Avatar Christmas – page 25
Also me at the end of one of these things… except not, because I need to be getting the next REGULAR page of Far Out There ready to go up on Tuesday. But yeah! Merry Christmas! Hope you all enjoyed seeing more of Avatar in one month than we have over the past year! She’s definitely earned a nap, all right.
But there’s no rest for yours truly, though, because there’s ONE MORE BIT OF FAR OUT THERE CONTENT GOING UP ON PATREON TODAY! This one’s not Christmas themed at all, and it’s also not another music thing. Rather, it’s a whole new idea for a thing I’ll be doing occasionally, but you gotta be at least a $2 patron to see it. Hey, I’ve already given away a pretty ludicrous this month, I gotta do at least a FEW more exclusives for the actual paying supporters.
But yeah, that’s it for this year’s festivities… assuming I don’t go and tie the New Year’s page in to this theme too. I dunno, I haven’t even STARTED thinking about that yet…
EDIT: IT’S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE! I ALSO just finished re-posting the last few pages of The Killer Station of Deadly Doom to the Incentive Gallery! Start here if you read up to where I stopped last time. See? SEE? It really DID get done before the end of the year!
hovertext – That’s a simple one to write off: One or more people who were expected to arrive couldn’t make it, so their presents are still there.
that or fake filler presents to put under the tree for aesthetic
Or they put a present-shaped cover over the tank that’s automatically watering the tree.
Or they were labeled as being “From: Megaweapon” and so everybody was afraid to open them.
Bomb disposal squad will be by tomorrow to pick them up.