An Avatar Christmas – page 12
So, the joke on this one kind of got away from me. First of all, the original idea was to also have Avatar in Skye’s army jacket, which would be as big on her as the robe is small on Skye… but then I started having the same objections as the characters, and needed to have SOMEBODY in a Christmas costume. Second, what’s going on with that robe doesn’t really make sense. Skye’s not THAT much taller than Avatar, so the shortness is extremely exaggerated for the sake of the gag. In real life, Skye would need to be nearly Stilez-sized for her legs to be poking out that far. But what’s more, I’m also cheating in the OTHER direction with the sleeves, which are a bit too LONG. This one’s pure laziness, as doing the sleeves properly in relation to the bottom would mean I’d have to do all those end details bending around her elbows, and that just sounded too complicated. And the worst thing is, this was actually one of the FIRST ideas I had for this series. You’d think I’d have had time to work out the details better.
And having just established how bad I am at this job, VISIT MY PATREON! There’s another free Christmas blog going up today!
Oh, good, you recognized that the imitation robe was shorter than Avatar’s. That said, Trigger would probably drool at Skye in that if he was in the room. Of course, he would drool at Skye in most things, but the point still stands.
I actually did consider having him poke his head in for a reaction, but ultimately decided that was better left to the reader’s imagination.
Tabitha reaction to Avatar’s irritation IS better, and you have that.
Or, Trigger pokes his head in on the NEXT page, apologizing for being late, and asking if he missed anything important. 😉
honestly i’m curious how safe that material is for normal humans. Avatar is indestructible and she wears that robe because it is also indestructible. scratchy enough to slice through skin might still be comfortable to avatar and much better than getting something new when she gets hit with a laser