A Far Out There Christmas – “O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree…”
And thus, with the placement of the final decoration, the celebration begins!!! In case you missed the previous bulletins, Far Out There is going to be updating DAILY until the 25th, all in the name of festive holiday merriment!
There MAY be an extra little Christmas present at some point this week, hopefully. I’d planned to finish all that much-delayed updating of the site layout (including a lot of new stuff for the cast profiles) and load it all on the 25th. Unfortunately, plans change quickly and I’m not even going to be in town for Christmas. Thus, I’ll see what I can get done over the next week and get it online as it happens rather than all at once. But hey, since you’ll be checking back regularly over the next 12 days, that won’t be a problem, right? 😀
(Historical Note: I know this is yet another “Hey, remember when ____” comment, but it’s downright quaint to see a mere twelve Christmas comics here. Times were a LOT simpler back then!)
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