Man, this one took a lot longer to finish than it should have (and not just ‘cos I started really late) and the results really don’t reflect that at all. The lights just get lost against the color of the ship’s hull, so the “message spelled out in Christmas lights” bit really doesn’t come across very well. Also, I’m not very pleased with how the perspective here worked out, pretty sure the back portion of the ship isn’t connecting with the front half right. I probably would have started over if it wasn’t for the whole “started late” thing.

…about that, though. I was supposed to be shopping for presents today, but ended up wandering around all night looking at Christmas lights… and NOT for the purpose of inspiring this page, I might add. It was work related, though you’ll have to wait and see how. HWAHAHAHAHA DRAMATIC BUILD UP.

(Historical Notes: I kind of blew a LOT of time adding layers of blur to try and makes the lights more “glowy,” though I thing it only really succeeded in making the spots thicker… which is still an improvement over the original.  Actually, that last “bulb” was left black by accident, and I left it in because who among us HASN’T suffered the indignity of discovering a dead bulb on your string of lights?  Also, a SmackJeeves reader pointed out that this page would have been a lot funnier if we saw Avatar standing on the outside of the ship laying out the lights, but running out before everything was spelled.  That reader was ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, to the point that I’d kinda sorta steal the idea several years later.)