Oh, just what this storyline needs, one MORE bit of vague foreshadowing of a later twist. Because we haven’t had anywhere NEAR enough of those since we started. Actually, this is picking up on stuff that was already mentioned QUITE a while ago… though I’ll be amazed if anyone can remember what.

So, the next five days are going to be a crazy flurry of last-minute Otakon preparation (which, somehow, includes washing the outside of out house) but I really honestly do have enough pages drawn to cover the time pretty well. It DOES mean that you need to be checking Conventional Wisdom next week, though.

Oh, one more thing: I’m glad I get to draw Ichabod’s big jacket again. Layla works better out of her winter gear, but Ichabod’s much more interesting with it on. I’ll have to find more excuses for him to bundle up in the future.

(Historical Notes: Technically speaking, this counts as Claire’s first appearance, even if it’s just the back of her head.  Sophia’s turned up on a screen once or twice before now, though, which makes it a BIT odd that I’m treating this as a mystery to be revealed.  But as I was staying before, this is the difference between a twist feeling like it’s out of nowhere and a twist feeling like something paying off)