FINALLY!!! No more YELLOW!!!

Other than that… not really anything to mention about this comic, other than that color/shading like this is REALLY hard. I mean, I (usually) like the results, but still, it’s a real chore to get done.

Also, in retrospect, I do kind of wish there was a frame of a close up of one of the brain-kitties: eyes glowing purple just before the big flash happens. Unfortunately, all this is supposed to be happening in one split second, so cramming extra panels in seemed bad for the pacing (those robots are taking their precious time getting through that door as it is) Maybe when we make the epic, animated motion picture version and can do this whole sequence in slow motion…

(Historical Notes: Or, conversely, do MORE panels of things freeze framing right before the flash.  That could work.  Oh, and the original post of this page was full of frantic edit notes due to Drunk Duck having one of it’s problem days.  It’s not even worth remembering at this point.)