Okay, seriously. I just got back from nearly four days of Animazement, I’ve got a bajillion Convention Wisdom comics to finish before Wednesday, I’m still not back on a normal sleep cycle, my body seems to be teetering on the brink of total collapse, and my mind is total mush. A cartoon slapped together in one afternoon under those conditions should NOT be this awesome. And yet, there is it. Bridget has officially becoming the tiny, female, zombie version of Jack Bauer (minus the awesome voice, of course) I dunno, maybe it’s because I drew this on Clint Eastwood’s birthday. I think the entire world was draped by a cloud of awesome to honor the occasion.

Well, I guess I should confess that the last panel didn’t really turn out right. The coloring kind of got out of control, and I wasn’t that pleased with the art to beginning with. And I had to scrap a couple drafts of the panel before even getting it THIS right. Who knew that drawing an entire crowd of robots getting electrocuted as they crash into each other could be so difficult?

(Historical Notes: I seem to recall people having trouble understanding Bridget’s “Yank the robot into the robot-shocking barrier, then kick it back into the crowd fast enough to shock them too” maneuver, just from a conceptual standpoint.  There probably should have been one or two more instances of robots poking the barrier and getting shocked, just to keep reminding the audience how it works.)