Good night, I think there’s more words here than the Wall of Text last week! Well, there was a lot to cover in not a lot of time. After all that dilly-dallying with the zombie twins, I felt like we needed SOME kind of reminder about what all was really happening, and I just HAD to cram that last joke in. It’s probably not a sign of disciplined writing to bend the whole page around until one weird gag at least SORT of fits, but I don’t care. I just love the notion that Tabitha’s so used to Bridget and Alphonse that she honestly forgets that they don’t talk.

Well, beyond that… I got nothing. I’ve barely slept in a week getting stuff ready for Animazement, and there’s still a lot to do. Well at least all this week’s comics are done. So I’ma go take a nap, which will have to last me a WHILE.

OH WAIT!!! There IS something else! I just did a Guest Comic for Not Enough BBQ! Check it out! It makes me feel all official and stuff!

(Historical Note: See, THIS is what I meant when I talked about a comic that just up and stopped.  Heck, this one stopped TWICE.  The knowledge of ignoble ends like those are the main reason why Far Out There will most likely chug along until I’m not physically capable of producing it anymore, hiccups like this current hiatus notwithstanding.  Don’t you make me regret this note, Future Me.  Anyway, this is pretty much Final Form Tabitha in all but appearance.  Pretty much every appearance since has been a variation on the formula laid out in this page.)