Original note – Mar 07, 2008
Okay, the handful of you who have actually been paying attention to this thing thus far will have noticed what an insane level of updates I’ve been maintaining. DON’T get used to it, ‘cos it won’t last more than a few more weeks. See, here’s what happened. I wrote this opening arc with the intention of posting the whole thing at once so it could be read in one blast. Well, it was taking so long to draw that I had to go and post what I had to force myself into finishing the rest faster. Problem was, this whole sequence just wasn’t meant to be told in once-or-twice-a-week installments. That’s why I’ve been pumping out as many as six pages a week so far, both to keep the momentum going and to get this big ol’ prologue told as quickly as possible. Within the next couple of weeks, things should slow down to a more rational pace, and I’ll be in less danger of working myself into the ground @__@;;;

(Historical Note: I’m posting thirty-five pages in a single night.  Past me needs to stop complaining about five pages a week.  But yeah, the first month or so of Far Out There updating back on DrunkDuck took a while to settle into the familiar update pattern.  And now I’m screwing it all up again.  We all end up back where we began.)