page 1357 – Just In Case You Haven’t Had Enough Reminders Yet
Going head and posting this early Monday afternoon to celebrate it even getting done at all. The seasons are changing and the temperature’s jumping around again, so you know wha THAT means! That’s right, I’m sick again! I had a nagging cough over the weekend that blew up into full-on fever and crud Sunday afternoon, RIGHT when I was supposed to hunker down and get a bunch of comic work for the week done. So if this page seems a little more rough and unpolished than usual… that’s ‘cos it is.
Figures this would happen the week we’re supposed to kick the plot back into high gear, huh?
EDIT: Okay, so it turns out that “crud” I caught is actually covid… which I somehow never came down with before now. So, um, I wouldn’t expect a TWC voting incentive at the usual time, it looks like I’m gonna be moving pretty slowly for the next couple of days.
TV and Movies have frequently suggested that the woman smacking the heck out of the man is very frequently a prelude to them falling madly in love. I’ve always been rather skeptical that particular trope had any connection to reality, but then again, Avi and Reality don’t have much of a connection either.
Avi has enough female family members to treat that trope with the disdain it deserves. Even his delusions aren’t THAT bad, even if the fact that his family is Matriarchal is a notable part of the reason why he doesn’t believe it.
I highly doubt he has had enough interaction with them to have learned anything of consequence about women or people in general – the TV host had to remind them that Avi even existed, and he’s spent 100% of his childhood running around the galaxy causing trouble. He probably only even remembers what they look like from seeing them on TV.
Actually, that’s probably a good thing, as his family probably aren’t people from whom one could learn what normal people act like anyway. For example, they would never slap someone, as it might damage the beauty of their modeling hand, they just have their team of security guards slap the person.
The main thing is that Avi doesn’t like actually receiving pushback for his behavior, and now wants to avoid that bad experience rather than confront it.
Yup, that seems 100% Avi: the kid who imagines he goes around the galaxy punishing bad guys can’t deal with being punished for being the bad guy.