Far Out There Looks At Christmas Lights – page 4
If I ever had the funds to sink into manufacturing both a Gear Santa and Christmas Wreath Gright ornaments, I wonder which one would sell better?
Anyway, I spent so much time trying to make the layered effect of that railing work, I never stopped to ask what exactly Ichabod is even doing up there. I’ve walked past this particular building for years and years, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen a person use those doors. And even if they did, there’s clearly a decoration in the way of it being opened. Then again, if I had to deal with keeping May from wandering off, I’d probably be a bit to distracted to know where I was going too.
Gear Santa, since it would require *slightly* less explanation for non-FOT-readers.
Looking at the preview image on tumblr I assumed she was running because she had stolen it. Considerably less zany than expected. (But understandably so within the “something every day” regimen)
Hovertext: Over the centuries, her culture gradually conflated the Gear Mythos, the Santa Mythos, and the Rudolph Mythos, and eventually ended up with a traditional song about Gear Claus saving Christmas with his glowing eyes. Along with the classic Gearanimatronic Christmas special TV show that kids everywhere came to cherish, and of course the tons of associated profitably merchandisable goods such as this.