I… I have no explanation… I mean, I guess I really DO have an explanation, but it doesn’t really help anything.  The original plant was just for the combination of ice cream and nanites to be violently explosive, so it could be thrown like a bomb.  But then I thought “Eh, that’s kind of predictable” and tried to think of an added wrinkle that’d be more… unexpected.  And somehow that led to THIS.  No, I can’t explain why THIS specific string of words is what emerged in my head, nor why it’s what I chose to start drawing… but here we are.

Okay, wait, I do know what to blame all this on.  It’s the fact that I’ve been scrambling to get a bunch of things done before I go to Otakon next weekend.  I’ve clearly over-taxed my brain and need to just go lie down for a while.

EDIT: New Voting Incentive is up! Also, just a heads up, I’m TRYING to get an extra incentive done over the weekend, so that I can out it on TWC before I hit the road next week… but there’s a LOT of stuff I’m trying to get done before then, so it might not happen.  I dunno, we’ll see.