*yawn* Dag, yo. I didn’t even get finished inking this page until around 1:30 this morning. But hey, the good news is I managed to get 14 pages of Conventional Wisdom online before the end of the week, and it only SORT of killed me. Still, if this page looks a little rougher than usual, that’s why right there.

But enough about my OTHER comics, let’s talk about this one. Either Madam Ventricle is REALLY laid back, or this convention attracts a much rowdier than all those other ones Ichabod’s been to, because if this was “normal,” he wouldn’t need it explained to him. Or maybe I just needed to cram in some exposition to explain away a future plot point? NAW.

(Historical Notes: Madam Ventrical’s last line is still one of my favorite bits of dialog in any page of Far Out There)