*yawn* Oh man, there is still a FRIGHTENING amount of real life that I’m not caught up on yet, and I probably won’t GET caught up for about a week or so. I mean, Otakon was only three days (well, three and a half, if you wanna count Thursday) but I was out of circulation a LOT longer than that getting ready to go. Suddenly, now I have to be, you know, responsible and stuff again. Boo on that.

Well, anyway, this page was sketched up with no rough draft while riding back from Baltimore, and I’m still not sure the layout’s as good as it should be. The lack of a rough draft to work on stuff also explains why I only just now realized how sloppy it is to toss in this “Kiki” person with no prior introduction.

…and what’s worse, Firday’s page will probably be even HARDER to get done, since I’ll be knee deep in over a dozen pages of Conventional Wisdom

(Historical Notes: I dunno, Past Me, I think Kiki’s non-intro is just fine.  This whole setting is chaotic enough to explain her being someplace else before now.  Then again, I just like Kiki.  I keep insisting I’m going to start using her and Madam Ventricle more, and never get around to it.  And that’s a shame, ‘cos I think they make a good duo act.  Also, I wrestled longer than I should have over whether or not to tag Dr. Caligari on this page.  Sure, he’s not actually IN it, but he might as well be since it’s all about him.  I mean, he technically even has the most dialog.)