Well, at least Skye seems like the type to let things slide easily.

You know, it’s funny. After busting my rump to finish the big, giant update of one of my other comics, Point Me At The Sky I went into this sick of the very sight of an art program. Worse, my stash of comic rough-draft comics is pretty depleted, meaning that lest than 24 hours separated the first attempt and this final version. I HATE having that little time to chew on a page, so between that and my general artistic exhaustion, I was fully prepared for this page to be awful.

Surprise, surprise, I think this turned out GREAT! The purple X-Ray eye beam turned out WAY better than I anticipated, and even though the layout is light on background details, I really dig the poster-like quality of the main panel. Hurray for unexpected success!

(Historical Notes: THIS is all you really need to get about Skye, awesome x-ray vision!  Also, another Point Me At The Sky link I’ll have to come back and change when I finally get blitzthecomicguy.com up in its final form.  Fun Fact, the Duck posting of that comic is so impossibly obscure that it doesn’t even turn up on Google.  That is a DEEP CUT.)