Our boy Trigger’s been acting a little bit TOO well-adjusted lately, doncha think? Let’s not forget the OTHER side of all that training from birth: the kid still has no real concept of what a “normal life” is like. And yes, even nomadic hippie evangelists lead normal lives compared to the one Trigger was being trained for.

Speaking of which, Skye’s dialog was really hard to get right. I worked hard to keep her from getting too preachy, and I DON’T mean that in a religious sense. Remember, Skye still has no idea just how little “living” Tigger has actually done. Even though everything she says has to directly challenge his upbringing, it can’t SOUND like she’s specifically addressing any of it. I’m still not sure if I got it quite right.

(Historical Notes: This goes back to what I was saying earlier about how I’ve never really “gotten” Skye the way I have most recurring characters.  There’s just something about her inner workings that eludes me.  Again, it KIND OF works for a character who mostly just appears in awkward interactions with Trigger, and he’s obviously crushing too hard to actually understand her as a person, but that TOTALLY wasn’t on purpose.  I’m not that clever… or method.)