Well, now I REALLY know Far Out There is getting back to normal: I have art problems with this page that I want to complain about.  The layout of this page is kind of backwards; the first two panels ought to both be up top, while the THIRD ought to be the biggest and spread out across the whole bottom half.  Avi springing into action really needed more room to be big and melodramatic, not smooshed and cramped.   I knew something about this page was bugging me as I drew it, but it didn’t finally hit me what was wrong until I was in the final stages of editing, well past the point where re-drawing was an option.  Yeah, some fools out there might have thought that only doing one page a week would prevent that kind of problem, but NOPE!  Well, at least I like the writing here.  Even when her ravenous carnivore tendencies are at their peak, Layla still wants to avoid hurting Tabitha’s feelings.  Awww.

And speaking of whom, IT FINALLY HAPPENED!  IT’S REALLY HERE!  A NEW PAGE OF TABITHA GETS GROUNDED IS UP ON TOP WEBCOMICS!  It’s an April miracle!  And speaking of miracles, while I haven’t gotten any more batches of old TWC incentives re-posted on the Gallery yet, I DID finally fix the bug that was preventing the animated pages from loading.  Man, you would not believe how many different switches in different places you have to hit to convince WordPress to not try to automatically re-scale or compress images.  Oh, and as long as I’m complaining about technology, this page was supposed to go up HOURS ago, but my internet kept cutting out on me.  Heck, it’s gone down again as I write this.  I’ve got NO idea how much time will pass between me finishing this sentence and the page actually getting published…

(EDIT: It was close to an hour.  Fun times.)