(Historical Notes: Hey, you know how I said that the fake snow effect on the previous page turned out way better than any attempt at photographing actual falling snow would have?  Well, here’s some proof.  After the snow up and melted, we went back to dreary rain like normal in a Southern December, and I tried to capture just how messy it looked outside another nearby mall.  I wound up having to BURY the picture in layers of shadow to make it even come CLOSE to how it actually felt, and even then you still can’t really tell how much rain was actually coming down.  If it wasn’t for the reflection of the store lights on the puddles, you wouldn’t even know it was wet.  It’s almost like I’m better at drawing than photography or something.  Oh, and this is a looooong callback, but it was suggested way back in the day that Ichabod, for all his grumpiness the rest of the time, really enjoys giving lots of Christmas presents.)