Well, all things considered, it’s impressive that we made it this far into the month before I had to post a rough draft. But after two weeks of daily updates, plus two back to back days of Christmas shopping, I just absolutely CRASHED last night. I only barely even managed to get the overdue Voting Incentive finally posted, a full page simply wasn’t physically possible. Heck, this wasn’t even supposed to BE the next page, this was just the one that didn’t need any text added, so I could get away with posting the rough draft as soon as I scanned it and it’d still make SOME sense. So, yeah, there’s still a color version of this page coming (and trust me, the color you’re not seeing right now is half the joke) and it should be up sometime tonight. HOPEFULLY it’ll be up before it’s technically tomorrow, because I’ll have to plow directly into THAT page as soon as the final draft of this one is done. Christmas Break, everybody!

EDIT: Okay, there we go. Page fifteen was still TECHNICALLY finished on the 15th! Now, to get to work on tomorrow’s page… which was SUPPOSED to be today’s…

(Historical Notes: Wow.  I mean, WOW.  I get what Past Me is saying about being exhausted, but of ALL pages to post as an unfinished, line-art only version, I had to pick THE ONE WHERE COLOR IS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL TO THE JOKE?  Seriously, what even IS there to this page without the color bits?  It’s already hard enough to look at any Lynne-3 appearance without glaring pastels as it is.  But this?  “Santa in blue and pink” is the whole point of this gag!  Well, that and Past Me incorporating that infamous paper cup design onto the cushion here.  Most of the attempts to construct furniture out of pictures haven’t worked out so far, but this one is both successful AND a nice subtle secondary joke.)