Some might argue that it’s out of character for a grumpy gus like Captain Crosby to actually LIKE putting up Christmas decorations… and if they were going up on anything else, I’d agree. But THESE decorations are going onto his ship, and Captain Crosby ALWAYS cares about keeping his ship looking nice.

Incidentally, this is one of a surprising number of pages to come that don’t really stick to the whole “everyone relaxes” theme I made such a big deal about. Turns out there’s quite a few busy bodies in the Far Out There cast who just can’t enjoy themselves while sitting still. holiday or no holiday. Heck. I’m pretty much like that where Christmas is concerned… just in case this decade of constant holiday comic updates weren’t enough of a clue.

(Historical Notes: No, seriously, just about all of my formative Christmas memories involve doing stuff, usually for other people.  Christmas productions at church, concerts with my cello class, children’s choir performances, even just basic family get-togethers were projects because of just how big my extended family is.  I think part of the reason I throw myself into doing Christmas content for Far Out There so much is because the holidays just don’t feel right if I’m NOT busy working on something.  On a less autobiographical note, we decided that The Cap’n probably gets even MORE enjoyment out of taking all the decorations down again the morning of the 26th than he does putting them up, because it’s all about maintaining a sense of control over what happens on his ship.)