Yep, it’s that time again! From now until the 25th, Far Out There’s regular comics are on hold to make room for twenty-five straight pages of full-color holiday goodness! …which, just in case you weren’t paying attention to Ichabod, will be waaaaaay less elaborate that the past several Christmas celebrations. last year’s comics absolutely kicked the crap out of me all December, and I’d like to have at least a little bit of time to kick back and enjoy all the holiday stuff this year. Thus, we’re going back to the format of the first few years of Far Out There: a series of stand alone, single panel comics providing little snapshots of the cast doing THEIR holiday relaxing. No narrative framing device, just some fun little drawings. What a novel concept, right?

Of course, if you already can’t stand all this holiday mess and just want some normal comics, fear not, I’ve got you Scrooges covered too. The Far Out There/Becky & Gilb crossover series is still going on in the TWC Voting Incentives, so you can always vote for Far Out There on Tuesdays and Fridays and get a twice-weekly dose of entirely Christmas-free action… though I do reserve the right to post those a little late if the regular comics are slipping off schedule. I DO have 24 more of these to do, after all.

Speaking of having lots to do, be aware that I still have the second half of that super-late Conventional Wisdom update to get finished before MAGFest, meaning I’ll be trying to edit fourteen pages of that WHILE drawing all of this stuff. So, yeah, for a set of comics that’s supposedly all about relaxing, I’m gonna be VERY busy. So please bear with me.

Oh, and speaking of Top WebComics, since it’s a new month and all, I also swapped out all of Far Out There’s TWC Bonus Incentives with a new set of personal favorites from previous Christmas comics. So if you wanna help boost Far Out There’s visibility a bit, maybe vote through all the Incentives and see what I picked? Since the month just started, you might still be able to breeze through and see all my stuff before the other comics reinstate their Incentives.

And finally, just in case you missed it, there WAS one more regular Far Out There page that went up yesterday. I’d hate for that one to get completely buried under the oncoming flood of wreaths and tinsel.

(Historical Notes: I forget how much Past Me brings it up later, but this Christmas was where I REALLY started experimenting with photo backgrounds outside of Conventional Wisdom.  The results are pretty inconsistent so far, since I didn’t really have the best crop of photos to work with for all the comics, but this one at least turned out pretty darn well.  That’s the other side of my town during a rare actual Southern snowstorm.)