Hey, would YOU let a kid like Trigger spend an unspecified but substantial amount of money unsupervised? Or ANY amount of money?

So, yeah, just in case you missed it Tuesday: on top of all the scrambling I’m ALREADY doing to get comic stuff done before AWA, there’s also a hurricane heading towards the East Coast, so I also need to get enough stuff done to cover any power outages that might hit during update time. Actually, given the latest weather forecasts, it sounds like the really gnarly storm stuff will pass us by completely, but it only takes one tree branch falling on the wrong power line to mess up my productivity for a whole day, so I’m still working under the assumption that any work I’d normally get done over the weekend needs to get done NOW. Thus, I’m going ahead and loading this line-art for Friday and plowing ahead to next week’s stuff. Normal pages and Voting Incentives will be back later this month, and I’ll TRY to go back and pretty these half-finished pages once everything else calms down.

But hey, A FAR OUT THERE UPDATE GOING UP AT MIDNIGHT! How cool is that?!?!?!?

(Historical Notes: Well, it took a few YEARS, but I finally did it!  I went back and colored in every single one of these not-colored-in pages!  And, of course, it wound up taking a lot longer than expected due to Present Me having to work around what Past Me had already done.  The Black & White versions of these pages were, naturally, in actual Back and White, rather than the Black and Transparent that the original scans I usually work with, so just getting to the point where I could even SEE a color layer, let alone play around with backgrounds, involved a lot of awkward bumbling and time wasting.  Gee, it’s almost like I’ve barely done any Far Out There pages in over a year… wait, what am I saying?  I’ve done close to SEVENTY pages of Far Out There while it was “on hiatus!”  Well, anyway, I actually had to do this page twice, because I totally forgot about surrounding Layla with sparkles until I saw the Alt Text.  Whoops.)