OOooooh boy. Some days I’m all apologetic and sorry when a page is late and half-finished, other days I’m all “you people are lucky I managed to get anything online at all.” Today is definitely the later. Between various distractions, multiple bouts of technical difficulties, and an every-mounting wave of burn out, this is one of those pages that just did NOT want to get done. Insert the usual bit about checking back later for the finished version that will have color and backgrounds and all that.

Okay, so you know all that stuff I rambled on about all the Far Out There Patreon stuff I’ve got coming in the future? Well, that was the good news, today I’m gonna drop the bad news. Well, good news followed by bad then followed by more good. SO, like, a really terrible sandwich. Anyway, that batch of Conventional Wisdom Otakon comics I keep saying is almost done really IS almost done. Like, they’d be online RIGHT NOW if I hadn’t had to switch gears and do Far Out There today. They’ll get posted sometime this weekend. For real! But here’s the thing: that’s still only half the Otakon 2018 comic, there’s still around ten more to finish AFTER these… and I need to get them all finished and online before Anime Weekend Atlanta… and I head down to Georgia for that on the 20th. That’s… not very far away, at all.

So, yeah, I’ll be FRANTICALLY scrambling to get everything finished over the next week and a half, and there’s several ways this could end up disrupting Far Out There updates over that period of time. Voting Incentives are definitely going to go on hold for at least one or two updates, though I can’t say for sure how many it’ll end up being. Also, I miiiiiiight have to resort to posting a few pages in this line-art-only form just to make sure they get done in time. I mean, if the choice is between making Layla’s jacket blue and just not getting a page done in time, I think we can all endure some coloring book simplicity for a few pages, right?

But here’s the good part: AFTER all this blows over, once the Otakon stuff is past and I get the AWA stuff done with, that’s ALL for Conventional Wisdom in 2018! I’ll be able to spend the tail end of the year focusing entirely on Far Out There! …well, except for Conventional Wisdom Patreon stuff, and filler pages, and tumblr stuff and blah blah blah. But none of that involves routine-disrupting road trips or time sensitive deadlines or any of that crap, so it won’t screw with Far Out There’s schedule anywhere NEAR as much as these big convention updates have. The long road is nearly over!

And lest we forget: NEW VOTING INCENTIVE! (enjoy them while they’re not on pause!)

(Historical Notes: Geez, I just… didn’t talk about the actual comics in 2018, did I?  Well, it’s really underplayed here, but I’d love to do some comics in the future that do more to mine the comedic potential of “futuristic science fiction technology” holographic displays being incredibly bad at preserving privacy.  I had to go out of my way to position the middle panels in such a way as to to keep the number Layla’s seeing obscured.  Oh, and regarding that bit about me posting a string of un-colored pages, well, you just wait…)