Well, I’m still sick, but relatively less, so here’s the page I didn’t feel up to doing last week. Ironically, the big challenge was the background in the first panel, which needed to both establish the presence of all these shelves and hangers where Trigger put all that stuff away, and just establish this new location as looking different from the other rooms for future reference… aaaand then I went and obscured most of that background I spent so much time on with characters and speech bubbles. Hey, I’m sick, I’m making bad decisions right now.

I could probably say more… but I really need to get caught up on Conventional Wisdom stuff, which is running even later than the Far Out There stuff right now. Enjoy the new Voting Incentive!

(Historical Notes: Yeah, this page should have been one horizontal panel up top just showing the new layout of the room, with two vertical panels underneath containing all the character stuff.  It may seem like a minor quibble now, but the fact that the sides of the room are so obscured actually ruins the intended set up to a joke coming many pages down the line.)