Well… this has been a frustrating week. I was all excited about finally getting Layla’s new outfit all squared away, because that was supposed to be lead straight into the girls and the boys finally interacting again and plot points actually moving forward and all that good stuff. And, of course, I also have a big pile of Conventional Wisdom comics I was really hoping to get done for this weekend, AND a bunch of Patreon stuff. And not just more Conventional Wisdom stuff, but there’s actually several bits of Far Out There content in the pipeline for Patreon as well, at least one of which I was hoping to put up at the same time as the CW stuff just to balance things out at bit.

…aaaaaaand then I got sick.

Yeah, ever since Tuesday night I’ve been hacking huge, gross globs of mucus out of my lungs. Between the heinous coughing fits and fever, and being whacked out on cold medicine, I’ve been working even more slowly than usual. Oh, and just to add insult to injury: I’ve severely cut down on my soda intake to try and clear up all the gunk, which means I’m ALSO running on a severe lack of caffeine right now. Soooooo, I had to push the more elaborate pages back to next week and substitute something that’d be easier to draw… and it still took me a while extra day just to get THAT presentable.

So, that’s done… and I gotta go lie down again. Don’t forget the new Voting Incentive!

(Historical Notes: It’s been a consistent struggle to establish a clear tonal difference between when Tax says something we wouldn’t expect HER to say and when Blip says something we wouldn’t expect HIM to say.  There IS supposed to be a difference, but I still don’t think I’m very good at making them anything other than rehashes of the same gag.)