OOOOOOoooooooh I didn’t come out of Animazement feeling good. I mean, it was a FANTASTIC con, and I’m sure the Conventional Wisdom update that comes out of it will be tremendous, but MAN am I still worn out. My feet are so sore I literally couldn’t walk for much of Monday, my sleep cycle’s still shot to heck, I’ve had lingering headaches like mad, OH! And as a special bonus, the house’s air conditioning is currently shot, so it’s also been unbearably hot and sweaty in here the past few days and you can just imagine how easy that’s made getting over all that other stuff.

Plus… um… I kinda, sorta, maybe left a lot of “insert funny lines here” notes where the kid’s dialog should be, on the assumption that I’d be physically and mentally capable of throwing in some funny stuff at a moment’s notice once I was done coloring the page in. It… um… didn’t work out that way.

Speaking of not working out, as I post this, I STILL don’t have the next Voting Incentive finished, or the rough draft of Friday’s page even started yet. Now, I’m gonna get started on the Incentive as soon as I post this page, so keep an eye out for a new link appearing in these comments sometime tomorrow. But as for the next page… I’m just gonna save us all a lot of grief and uncertainty and say that the next page will come out on Saturday instead of Friday. Honestly, it would probably happen either way, this just ensures that we all know what’s coming in advance. After all, it’s technically not “late” if you tell people it’ll happen in advance! Right? …right?

EDIT: THERE! DONE! Fresh Voting Incentive UP!

(Historical Notes: *sigh* Look at Past Me trying to hard to keep up the denial. “Everything about this weekend made me feel bad BUT DON’T GET ME WRONG IT WAS STILL A GOOD WEEKEND.”  Just be honest, dude!  SEARCH YOUR FEELING, YOU KNOW IT TO BE TRUE!  But anyway, it really is great how Bridget is one of the only grown-ups in this entire cast.  You go, girl!  Don’t put up with these fools!  Speaking of fool, weird typo on this one, and it’s NOT what you think.  The multiple use of “that” in the first panel is actually intentional, since the kids are supposed to be all excited and stammering, but I forgot the punctuation that was supposed to make it more obvious.  It doesn’t seem QUITE obvious enough to justify going in and changing anything, but I still get an ironic laugh of out the “Dang it, that’s not even the part that’s WRONG!” aspect of people noticing the extra “that.”)