Well, now… this was a big ol’ disaster, wasn’t it?

Here’s the deal: Animazement is coming up later this month, and I’ve been trying to get a bunch of stuff ready for the con and do pre-convention promotional stuff and get some extra pages ready to go up and generally just get emotionally prepared for that much social interaction for that long a time and… well, I sat down in front of a blank page on Monday, and I had nothing. I mean, I knew how the page was supposed to go, I had the exact stuff I needed to draw in my head, there was just no creative juice left to DO it. I was spent.

So, as much as I hate to pull this sort of thing, this will be the only Far Out There update this week. If I tried to jump straight into another page feeling the way I do right now… well, that one probably wouldn’t get done until sometime Monday anyway, so why even bother with Friday? Hopefully, if I take an extra day or two to breathe this week, NEXT week will run a lot more smoothly. Again, I’ve gotta get a page buffer built up in time to cover Animazement weekend anyway, I just need enough creative energy to actually DO it.

If nothing else, I MIGHT manage to get a new Voting Incentive done on Friday, it all depends on how much other stuff I’m able to get done… or more accurately, whether or not I actually feel up to getting that much done. We’ll see.

Sorry again for all the delays, gang!

(Historical Notes: Once again, it’s up to Present Me to pick up the slack where Past Me was too busy complaining about delays to actually talk about the comic itself.  Continuing with what I was saying earlier about Avi and the whole “carrying luggage” thing, I wanted to make sure this wasn’t simply a case of spoiled little brats insisting on having more than they need… I mean, it IS that, but not JUST that.  I wanted it to be clear that they have all this stuff for a reason, which they THINK is perfectly defensible.  They just don’t understand the practical realities that most people have to put up with which make this sort of thing seem extravagant.  Also, it helps to distinguish their brand of rich kid upbringing from Layla’s.  She may have been spoiled rotten in her own way, but you can’t say she never got her hands dirty.  Even if Layla probably had just as much stuff as these kids, she spend enough time carrying her own luggage around to know how much she could go without while on a trip.  Also, while Past Me may not have been up to doing a second page that week, he DID have a pretty fun response to a perfectly reasonable question about why Tarkus would need hand sanitizer meant for corpse handling: “Tarkus doesn’t prepare for what he expects, he prepares for what he fears.”)