…because you know what? “And then Avatar puked really hard” is kind of underwhelming, isn’t it? Let’s throw in some inexplicable, vaguely implied sci-fi weirdness, just because I can 😀

Also, purple on green just might be the most naturally “blech” color combination in creation, especially when you throw some black into the mix.

I’m tempted to say that I didn’t include an actual “sound” on this page since Avatar was out in a vacuum when this happened… but I can even begin to count the number of times we’ve seen that rule broken before this point, so why start now?

Finally, speaking of green, new Voting Incentive!

(Historical Notes: Stop trying to act like you pulled some kind of clever subversion or mind-blowing twist, Past Me.  This is just puking with extra colors.  Honestly, it’s the combined worst of all possible let downs.  It’s still just Avatar puking really hard, which is basically the same thing we’d been led to believe would happen this whole time and thus fairly boring.  The “vaguely implied sci-fi weirdness” is SO vague that it actually makes things even MORE unsatisfying, since we don’t even know what’s supposed to be happening.  Yeah, that kind of thing has worked in Far Out There before, but it has to be accompanied by WAY more outlandish descriptions or briefly-glimpsed events.  “Ship-Shaking Nudge” is nowhere near funny enough on its own to compensate for a lack of things clearly happening.  I really, REALLY should have held off Avatar having an actual food reaction until a point where I had a more interesting idea to explore, or at the very least a way to actually make it relevant to the rest of the plot.  Then again, maybe I’m being a little too hard on these comics because I know why Past Me DID decide to go there: I was just running out of energy to come up with new ideas, so I desperately dug up a teased old one.  Because, you know, wasting the only chance to do something for the first time is TOTALLY a good idea when you don’t even have enough juice in you to work with the ideas you’ve already got.  In the future, I need to know to just take a break at this point, not keep pushing through with more and more unsatisfying work.  Then again, there was one OTHER thing hanging over my head related to all that, but we’ll be hearing more about THAT later…)