*sigh* Yeah, another half-finished update. Sorry, but it’s taking me a lot longer than expected to get back into shape after all those Conventional Wisdom-related crazy days. I’m still falling asleep at wildly random hours of the day and waking up at equally random points in the middle of the night, which is making it hard to soldier all the way through an update in one sitting. And since any page that prominently features Stilez takes twice as long to color, and any page with really messy, debris-laden effects takes longer still, I figured I’d better hurry up and post what I had. So the usual “check back later for the final draft” instructions apply, both for this comic and the new Voting Incentive… which IS a lot farther along than Tuesday’s was, by the way, so I should be able to get both of them posted at the same time… whenever that is.

EDIT: OKAY! Finished page and new Voting Incentive are both up… though I must confess I cheated a bit. Stilez’s cheese coverage wasn’t supposed to be anywhere near as extensive, but it turned out to be a LOT faster this way.

(Historical Notes: You know… maybe I actually DON’T mind not having my original commentary preserved more often.  At this point, so much of it is just Past Me complaining about how late the updates are getting that it’s honestly kind of depressing to read.  Then again, seeing the old READER comments is still all kinds of fun.  Seeing how everybody knew EXACTLY how bad it is for Avatar to have ingested was quite rewarding.  Ya’ll really HAVE been paying attention!)