Well, it’s immediately after a Conventional Wisdom update, and even a partial update means I’ve been on a sleep cycle that involves neither of those two things for a while now. And, as always, it decided to catch up with me right in the middle of a Far Out There update. It took a medically unsound amount of caffeine AND several power naps just to get a half-finished version of this page up by noon (-ish). So, as is my wont in these situations, I’m slapping text onto what I’ve already got, and the final version should be up sometime later tonight. I DID manage to get the new Voting Incentive up before things started shutting down in my brain, though, so at least ONE thing around here isn’t completely and utterly late all the time.

I should really say SOMETHING about the actual comic itself rather than just the making thereof… but I think we all knew where this was going, right?

(Historical Notes: I continue to love any chance of expanding Layla’s Big Sister Complex.  It’s such a nice way to balance out the… shall we say, “rougher” aspects of her personality.)