Confession time: This is not the page that was supposed to go up today. That page is sitting in a pile, half-drawn, next to me. Along with the unfinished MAGFest comics, and the other MAGFest comics for Patreon, and the last of the Konosuba comics for Patreon, and the rest of the Far Out There madlib pages… well, no, scratch that last one. They’re actually sitting half-finished inside the computer, not next to me on the desk. Anyway, my point is that there’s a LOT of stuff log jammed right now, and when I had an idea for a totally different page that would take waaaaay less time to finish, I had to drop everything and run with it. Because, yeah, the intended page was turning into one of those complicated messes of tricky poses and perspectives and multi-layered layouts that would have taken ages to finally finish… and not turned out right anyway, since 5am is the wrong time for me to try and do tricky things (and watch me completely revamp the page between now and Tuesday so that it doesn’t even look like it should have been a big deal)

And besides, when everything’s getting all bogged down and stressful, taking a moment to step back and just do something to make yourself giggle is REALLY good for morale. And yeah, this is the first page in a while that actually make me laugh IRL while working on it. But then, I’ve also been awake for, like, a day at this point. I’m laughing at even weirder stuff than usual right now.

Speaking of weirder stuff than usual, today’s Voting Incentive …I really should go take a nap, shouldn’t I?

(Historical Notes: The Voting Incentive involves mad science and a potato.  That’s all I can say at this particular moment.  Anyway, I get more and more sick of these obvious filler pages every time I go back and re-read everything… but THIS one still makes me laugh.  This is another joke I’d revisit waaay too many times, with diminishing returns, but for this one page at least, it REALLY works for me.)