This isn’t the ONLY reason Avi tells people that Hiro is the ringleader… but ya’ll totally called that it was ONE of the reasons.

Also, I’m just gonna say that I REALLY like Cap’n and his angry panel. I wish I’d made all the other panels a bit smaller so that it’d pop out that much more, but the picture itself still turned out pretty dang good for something I bashed out in the midst of the Conventional Wisdom grind.

Speaking of things that turned out better than expected, the new Voting Incentive also ended up a LOT better than it had any right to given the amount of planning and time that was actually spent on it.

Also, WOW! A page that got done before lunch, that DIDN’T require be finishing it whole days in advance to do it! YAAAAAY!

(Historical Notes: Another page where the only thing I can recover from the Wayback Machine is the Alt Text.  At least this time I can tell it’s actually for THIS page.  I tell ya, it’s starting to get pretty nerve-wracking to hit that “next button” and not know how much if any of the following page is actually recoverable.  Anyway, I still like what an effective job these pages do at establishing the dynamic between these new characters.  A lot of Far Out There’s cast took years to get past their Early Installment Weirdness, but The Short Pants Squad managed to hit the page more or less fully formed.  Granted, they’re pretty one-dimensional, so that helps, but still…  EDIT: Oh look!  Ed8 found an alternate capture that actually works! YAY!)