Ahhhh, convention weekend. One of the few times in the year when a Far Out There page actually posts automatically at midnight! …and also one of the times when there isn’t a new Voting Incentive, cos I’m crazy busy with stuff. I THIIIIIIIIINK there’ll be a fresh one next Tuesday, but I wasn’t able to finish that one extra comic page that I usually like to have taken care of when I do an extra long con trip like this. So, yeah, we’ll see what kind of shape I’m in on Monday and whatever happens happens.

Now, back here in the past where it’s still Tuesday, I really need to get started packing…

1/9/18 EDIT: Okay, this MIGHT be unnecessary, but I’ll write it just in case. I THOUGHT I’d more or less recovered from MAGFest when I started working on today’s comic, but it’s getting late and I’m rapidly beginning to doubt that. I mean, I’m pretty sure I didn’t get sick this time, it was just a VERY physically taxing four-and-a-half days and I’m still really tired. I’m already starting to get that “Hey, I might need to drop everything and immediately fall asleep” feeling even now, so just in case, rest assure that I did NOT die on the road over the weekend, and there IS both a new page and a fresh Voting Incentive in the works as I write this… for as long as I can stay awake.

(Historical Notes: You know, as I re-post this, we’re right around the time that the online-only MAGFest 2021 is supposed to happen.  Part of me wants to be nostalgic, but reading stuff like the paragraph above just reminds me of why I stopped going even when it was there to go to.)