Oh yes. This is real. I sat down and asked myself “What kind of Christmas comics do I want to draw this year?” and THIS is the answer I gave to myself. The cast of Far Out There doing a wresting show. And it’s somehow also holiday related. I… I really have no explanation, it’s as much a mystery to myself as to any of you.

A few bits of housekeeping before this… WEIRD idea really gets rolling: First, while I’ve had a fascination with professional wrestling for a while now, I wouldn’t classify myself as a “fan”. That’s not me trying to get all uppity and distance myself from such a low-brow pastime or what have you. If anything, it’s the opposite. I’ve got too much respect for the amount of dedication and passion shown by serious wrestling fans to ever think my casual curiosity qualifies me to be counted in the same group as them. All that’s to say, I in no way claim to know what I’m talking about. So if you’re a wrestling superfan and you notice I got something horribly, mind-bogglingly wrong, I preemptively concede that you’re right and I’m an idiot.

Second, even by the standards set by previous years, I did NOT get much of a head start on these comics. So don’t get too used to these pages going up automatically at midnight, they’ll start getting later REAL fast. Sorry gang, I tried my best, but among other things, repeatedly getting sick RIGHT when I really needed to be working on these kinda messed my schedule up something fierce.

Third, as always, new Voting Incentives WILL continue to go up every Tuesday and Friday, and they WON’T be tied into the Christmas comics in any way. So if you find you’re getting sick of all this nonsense, know that you can still click that TWC button and see something non-seasonal. In fact, there SHOULD be a new Incentive up right now… hopefully. I dunno, I’m writing this a LITTLE in advance, and as we learned on Tuesday, scheduling pages ahead of time has become foreign to me.

Well, that’s all I can think of… Tune in tomorrow for… well… whatever stupidity I’m about to unleash…

(Historical Notes: OOOOoooooh that middle paragraph drastically understates how bad the lateness issue got for this month.  I seriously feel like I spent nearly this whole Christmas season just sitting in my room editing stuff in the middle of the night.  The problem, of course, is because these pages are actual COMICS with multiple panels, and each panel drastically increases the amount of time it takes to finish.  There’s a reason later Christmas comics have largely stuck to being one panel drawings, or at least one or two BIG panels instead of multiple small ones.)