I think I picked up some kind of curse from a technophobic witch or something, it seems like EVERYTHING’S been breaking the past few weeks. Don’t worry, my computer’s not any worse that it already was, but our modem appears to be on its last legs. Our internet’s been cutting out at random all week, and while it doesn’t TECHNICALLY interfere with my comic making, it does interfere with… basically everything else ever, so it’s still a distraction. Plus, ya know, there’s the constant fear that it’ll go out RIGHT as I’m about to post the page. Even if I wasn’t already running behind schedule with this page, I would have wound up scrambling to finish it anyway just to make sure it got up while things were working.

Speaking of which, I’m not terribly pleased with how the screen in the second panel turned out. I mean, it’s the basic idea I wanted, but the layout is all wrong: waaaaay too much empty space and the text boxes are too small. They were SUPPOSED to be readable without too much difficulty, not the illegible fine print they turned out to be. But fixing all that would have meant starting the lower half of that page over almost from scratch… and by then, the modem might have died on me again.

I still like the idea of Blip being the ship’s autopilot. I wonder if Cap’n Crosby downloaded all the ship’s autopilot programming into Blip, exceeding his normal storage capacity, and that’s why he’s so… unusual?

Oh, and the PREVIOUS oasis of internet access was long enough for me to get the new Voting Incentive up!

(Historical Notes: For those of you wondering, here’s a translation of the unintentionally illegible text boxes:

The stuff in the top left: “INCOMING STARSHIP ON COLLISION TRAJECTORY.  Size: really darn big  Speed: awful dang fast  Identification: “The Overwhelming Justice Starship of Ultimate Power.”

The bit in the bottom left corner: “Structural integrity was recently at wet noodle levels.  Please consult your nearest engineer or shaman for advice.”

The bit on the right: “WARNING: collision imminent with foreign object.  Unauthorized cataclysmic collisions are forbidden by interstellar traffic law.  if you persist in being struck by an incoming vehicle or object, you will be subject to fines or jail time.”)