Dang it, I was SO sure this would be the page where I finally got back to posting at around midnight. I had a nice headstart on writing it, and I even got up good and early Monday morning to give myself extra working time. Alas, waking up early usually means falling asleep early, so I tried to avoid getting groggy before the page was done by going ahead and taking a little nap in the afternoon… which managed to last a good five hours longer than expected. So when I finally did wake up, all that “head start” nonsense had turned into running late again. Oh, and it turned out I’d fallen asleep in a REALLY weird position that left my drawing arm all numb, so I also had to wait for THAT to resolve itself before I could get any meaningful work done. AND THEN I had to drastically rework a lot of that writing I was so happy to have done in advance because, well, it just wasn’t very funny.

The original idea was for all that technobabble on the left to be verbatim quotes from famous scifi franchises, and there’s still some traces of that to be found, I guess. However, I got so into the meta-joke of quoting things that the ACTUAL joke of Tabitha & Trigger getting waaaay too caught up in their wacky science ideas kind of got lost. So, even after all the art was done, I still had to spend ages rewriting made-up science words until the gradual decent from harmless to insane at least somewhat obvious. In fact, now that I think about it, having them out of frame for this page was probably a mistake. If we could actually SEE them getting more and more worked up and hyper, the expressions would probably have helped sell the dialog a lot more. Oh well, too late for that now.

It is NOT too late for the new Voting Incentive though. If nothing else, at least THAT really did get finished ahead of schedule!

(Historical Notes: There’s a typo on this page that actually wound up making the surrounding line significantly weirder than I’d intended, so of course I left it in even after it was pointed out to me.  See how long it takes you to spot it!)