OH SNAP! It’s those two kids! The ones who’re always having cameos in holiday comics! They’ve finally made it into an official, in-continuity, 100% canonical comic! …they still haven’t had their names said out loud yet, BUT STILL!

To tell the truth, this page is sort of a last-minute addition. The PLAN was to skip straight from Mariska’s little plot-tease back to the main cast doing main cast stuff. Giving the kids an “official” debut was too fun an idea, though, and I’m trying to be better about running with fun ideas regardless of what The Plan says (after all, most of my comic plans only exist to keep plot points straight, so sticking too close is an easy way to get exposition-heavy, joke-free comics). ALSO, if anybody stumbles across the comic this weekend after finding a flyer at Otakon, this’ll be the first page they see. So COOL EYE CANDY SPACESHIP as your first impression!

Speaking of Otakon: if you missed it in the earlier notes, I’m in DC for the con all weekend, so no new Voting Incentive today. I’m hoping there’ll be a new one with Tuesday’s page, though… which I’m gonna get to work editing as soon as I finish posting this. WHEEE!!!

(Historical Notes: This is still one of my all-time favorite pages of Far Out There to look at.  Everything about the art just came together so nicely, especially for a page I’d scrambled to get done before a con.  Also, WOW there was a lot of chatter in the comments on this page, including, once again, an EERILY ACCURATE prediction of why Mariska has two kids with her instead of just one.  BOY was I glad there was other stuff for me to latch onto and change the subject… even if it was the genuinely terrifying idea of Nitpickers having groupies.)