So, um… I kind of forgot I had to do get a page done for today. Or, more to the point, I’ve been so wrapped up in Conventional Wisdom stuff that I lost track of what day it was. I can’t decide which is sadder: that I lost track of an update schedule I’ve had for nearly a DECADE, or that I lost track of the seven-day week cycle that’s been a constant of my life for over THREE decades.

Anyway, speaking of missing stuff, it still mystifies me that it took as long as it did for me to hit on the “Avatar doesn’t know how to play” idea. It seems like such a natural facet of her “grown up/fact filled brain in a kid’s body” character AND such an obvious payoff of her interacting with Stilez and Tax, it’s really weird to realize just what a recent addition this actually is. It’s almost enough to make a person think that I’ve been making this whole thing up as I go!

Oh, and I mentioned this is the comments of the last page, but it bears repeating up here. Aside for the usual new Voting Incentive, Top WebComics has this thing called “Like It or Hate It” where you can browse through art from member comics and give props to stuff you think is cool. Aside from being a general showcase for TWC comics, every Like is counted as an extra vote for that comic. So, if you’ve got some free time and a TWC account, it’d be cool if you could head over there and Like some of the older Incentives I added to the rotation. And, you know, check out all the other stuff on display too, I guess.

(Historical Notes: I spent more time fiddling with the size of Layla’s speech bubble than I did polishing up the past few whole pages.  It’s REALLY weird which little details I get fixated on.)