Really? I ran hours and hours overdue to draw a page that only barely qualifies as two panels and only has one single character? Clearly, this means I got way too caught up in fiddling with the voting incentive again, doesn’t it? Well, that DID happen, but it’s not the reason such a simple page took so long to draw this time. Truth is, I just didn’t know what today’s page was going to BE until around 4am. Writer’s Block crept up on me in an especially insidious manner this time, friends. See, I know what’s supposed to happen during the couple of weeks AFTER this, and what the next big arc everything’s supposed to be leading up to is… but with all that plot stuff buzzing around my head, I kind of didn’t notice that I didn’t actually have a transition from Tuesday’s page to any of that future stuff. Not enough to make a page out of it, anyway. Really, the only idea I had was the notion of a cutaway gag to Blip alone on the bridge to explain away my forgetting to include him in the previous page. I didn’t WANT to make that the entire page… but with dawn not too far away, I needed to start drawing SOMETHING. All things considered, I do think this little page turned out pretty well. I wonder if Captain Crosby can install new programs on Blip, and maybe he actually IS the autopilot now?

Oh, and once again, yes. I did spend way too long fiddling with today’s new Voting Incentive. Darn it, I WILL figure out how to get good at these glowy neon effects!

(Historical Notes: I’m gonna try to avoid repeating myself too much on this point, but these “I just needed to draw something” pages REEEAAALLY show that I should have taken a break a lot sooner than I did.  And I’m gonna have to try a LOT because this kind of filler page starts to get insufferably common from now on.)