So, I was gonna grumble again about how I originally wanted this page to be combined with Tuesday’s, so that all the repeated lack of payoff moments could pile up on top of each other… but I’m not gonna. You know why? BECAUSE TODAY’S VOTING INCENTIVE TURNED OUT FREAKING AMAZING, THAT’S WHY!!! Yeah, this was another instance of be getting too caught up in the Incentive to get started on the actual comic on time, but so what? This thing still turned out WAY better than I expected it to, so I don’t have time to be grumpy about any flaws in the comic, real or imagined.

And besides, this page also sets up more Tabitha/Stilez/Avatar interaction. Who’s gonna complain about THAT?

(Historical Notes: The Voting Incentive Past Me is so proud of is that one of Mariska with all the Tron lighting… and yeah, I’m still pretty pleased with that one.  This was around the period where I finally started to really get the hang of using multiple layers for lighting effects, which is why I immediately started ABUSING those tricks so bad.  Also, this is basically me any time somebody comes near the door.)