Dramatic lighting is fun. There’s literally no other reason for Ichabod to have all the lights out, I just wanted to do something different. And after pages and pages of The Exposition’s sterile white corridors, it don’t get much more different than pitch black!

So, fun story: remember how I was asking if anybody else was having problems seeing Photobucket images? Well, after hours and hours of uninstalling and reinstalling things, I FINALLY got my computer to the point where it could see everything again… just in time for PHOTOBUCKET to stop working. I know it wasn’t my problem this time, the site just wouldn’t upload any new files. I put today’s Voting Incentive up on another host, so hopefully everything will be alright, but still…

EDIT: Aww, dang it! I should have made today’s Voting Incentive St. Patrick’s Day themed!

(Historical Notes: There’s a perfectly good reason for Ichabod to keep his lights off!  If he can’t see how messy his room is, he doesn’t have to clean it!  Totally defensible!)